After a refreshing month enjoying lake living in the finger lakes of NY state in September, I came home eager to get back to quilting. Sometimes the ideas come so fast I spend the first few days back in my studio organizing stacks of fabrics for future projects. I call this my “playing with colors”
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Beach art quilts create a mood
So many people at one time or another go to the beach. Many of us day dream about what it would be like to live at the beach, look out our windows to see the endless ocean and the big sky, and listen to the waves. Beach designs and motifs give us a sense of
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A quilters dilemma…overcome by fabric!!
Anyone who quilts knows you NEVER have too much fabric!! I might have 700-800 different fabrics on my stash shelves (organized by color) but it is rare that I make even one quilt without thinking I better look for a specific color or design. It truly is an addiction but a harmless one! But the
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Three New Landscape Quilts
I have been away from my studio for over 2 weeks and couldn’t wait to get back to sewing! I’m having a nice problem in that quilts are selling well and I’m having trouble keeping my inventory up on my Etsy selling site ( As I look to the next 6 weeks before a family
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Playing around with silly art quilts
I am a PINTERST addict! There, I said it. I have no interest in any recovery efforts to wean myself from this addiction. I love the ideas, the art, the ability to so easily experience so many new and different art forms. My PINTEREST boards are way too full which means I surely must resort
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Last Art Show in 2017
On Saturday December 2nd I will have my last art show of 2017. The show will be at THE CELLARS in Brookpark Farms, a small complex of shops, homes and offices just west of Lewisburg PA north of Rt 45. The event is managed by Ards Market. About 30 invited and juried artists will be
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New finished Poppy quilts
In my last post I talked about the new background fabric I had found for my red poppy quilts. Here are photos of the finished quilts. I just love them as a pair hanging above bedside tables.
Holiday Arts and Crafts Show
I will be showing and selling art quilts this weekend at a new show in Lewisburg, PA. Myself and about 25 other artists will participate in this new show at The Cellars, a special events venue in the Brookpark Farm complex just off Rt 45 on the west side of Lewisburg. I have been busy
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Crozet Virginia Festival May 7 & 8
The car is packed and we are heading out soon for a visit to the lovely Blue Ridge Mountains near Crozet, VA for the Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival on May 7 and 8. We love this festival for several reasons, one of which is my excellent sales. Additionally, set up on friday is well
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