A few of my art quilts are both adorning my walls and for sale. This Mosaic quilt is one of those. A few months ago I moved the Art Quilt Colorful Mosaic 16 to my newly painted bathroom, hanging it on the long wall by my tub and shower. I am a big advocate of art quilts in the bathroom. The fabric construction manages moisture. Many of us have neutral tones in our bathrooms which we jazz up with different colored towels and rugs. Colorful Mosaic 16 covers all the options for colors in the bathroom. A few months into seeing this beautiful large quilt several times each day AND during every bath and shower and I’m not sure I want to sell it!! Having a close up view
of the many small pieces of fabric sewn together to create this beauty reminds me how much I enjoy mosaic art quilts. This one is 36″ high x 49″ wide. in spite of getting older and not being particularly happy with the large mirror in my bathroom (about the size of the quilt!), I can’t be in that room without feeling good. The colors do something positive to your mental health!
The creating of a mosaic quilt involves lots of small piece cutting and many hours of placing and moving around all these small pieces of fabric on the flannel design wall until you have the flow of the colors just right. I don’t like all my pieces the same size and even through in some angled cuts now and then. Even after I sew the vertical strips of 15 or so different small pieces and place all the strips on the design wall, I often find a spot that needs a different color or better transition from one color to another so there is some minor ripping and re-sewing. I have to close off the floor vents too or the pieces begin to fly off the flannel design wall! You only make that mistake once.
I likely have scraps and small cut squares and rectangles to make about a dozen or more of these. Such is the joy of quilting….never too much fabric.