I’m back in my quilt shop

Back in September I posted about my husband’s diagnosis of ALS.  That diagnosis ended up being incorrect.  He instead developed two very rare cancers and passed away in early January.  I was fortunate to have him home with me with caregiver support and hospice support for the last 6 weeks of his life.  I am slowly trying to regroup and rejoin life though with a tremendous sadness in my heart as I miss Jeff terribly.  It has taken me a month since his passing to finally enter my sewing studio and try quilting again.  A good friend who lost her husband several years ago gave me good advice…I just need to pack up my sadness and take it with me.  I am trying to do that whether up stairs to my studio or off to exercise class or periodic meals out with girlfriends.  I look forward to getting back to creating quilts. I accepted a custom order in early January and will finish that quilt within the next few weeks.  For the rest of 2020 I am not going to accept any custom orders as I need to focus on creating quilts that bring me joy, quilts which allow me to be creative, and quilts which do not add pressure to my still grieving soul.  If I fell like quilting, I will.  If I don’t, I will give myself time and space to mourn.  I have found the last 2 weeks that sewing again helps my mental health, at least while I’m busy doing it.  Life will not be the same after saying good bye to my best friend, my husband and my soul mate.  It will be different and eventually I will find my new normal.  I hope to restart my blogging too but likely only at one blog a month for awhile.

Thank you for the kindness some of you have extended to me.  It all helps.


2 Responses

    1. thank you for your kind words. This feels like the toughest challenge of my life, picking up the pieces and figuring out how to move forward. Creating quilts is helping.

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